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  • Changes from v1.0
    • Moved both flash LEDs to the same side so they point to the same direction.
    • Added an on-board resistor (R1) for the flash LEDs.
    • Added a separate flash LED switch.
    • Moved the power switch to the bottom side.
  • Schematic (in .sch)
  • PCB design (in .brd)

Parts List


v1.0 (Nov 2011)

Parts List


5 Responses to “AASaver Download”

  1. WK says:

    The parts list says R1 is 3.3K, but the schematic shows it as 68 ohms. Which is correct?

  2. cliff dittmar says:

    thank you plenty of used aa batterys to use

    thanks cliff

  3. leon says:

    Sorry for my poor English
    I soldered the v1.1 on a perfboard, the mcp1640 is too tiny for me, i bought a convert pcb to convert SOT23-6 to DIP package and it’s works finaly.
    The version 1.2 can output at 1A?It’s great, but where is the parts list for v1.2?
    Thanks a lot

    • ray says:

      I haven’t had time to prepare the part list. But you can open the schematic in EagleCad (it’s free) and check the part number in the schematic. You can also export a part list in EagleCad.