There has been an unexpected delay in the enclosure processing: the order was supposed to arrive by Monday this week but is now pushed back to Friday next week. As a result, all orders that include an OpenSprinkler enclosure will be delayed. I am really sorry about the delay. It is unfortunate and unexpected. The way we currently order enclosures is through Electronic Precepts ( they order in bulk from Serpac and machine custom cutouts for us. While on vacation last week, I sent an inquiry email and learned that there will be a delay due to machine down time. Initially I was told it would come today, but the latest status is that it’s more likely to come Friday next week. I know the folks who have ordered OpenSprinkler / OpenSprinkler Pi have been waiting eagerly for their orders to arrive. Sorry about that! I wish I had control over the enclosure processing. Meanwhile if you want to cancel the order, or want to receive the board first and enclosure later in a separate package, feel free to let me know. Thanks for understanding!
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I’d like to get the surface mount opensprinkler board and eventually get the enclosure when it is in stock later but the order page only displays two DIY kits that are out of stock and no pre assembled option.
Sorry, the webpage had a typo: the $139.99 one is assembled and tested (SMT version). It’s fixed now. Sorry about that.
So both are out of stock currently?
Or is it just the enclosure that isn’t in till the 5th?
Can I place an order for just the board?
The DIY kit is completely out of stock. I have about 12 SMT assembled products in stock, but I’d rather wait till the enclosures are in stock before making these available again.