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Hi All, OpenSprinkler will have a booth at the Bay Area Maker Faire again this year. Due to a number of reasons, I cannot make it myself, but Aaron Newcomb from California has generously volunteered to host the booth for me. He will be showing demonstrations with the OpenSprinkler controller. There will also be flyers and promotional materials distributed there.

In order to make this a success, we would like to have a few more people to help. If you are going or planning to go to the Maker Faire and can help at the booth even for just a couple of hours, that would be great and much appreciated. I am happy to send free gifts to you. Anyone who can help at the booth for at least 4 hours either Saturday or Sunday will additionally get a free Maker entry pass. This is covered by the exhibit.

If you are interested in helping, please respond to this forum post by Aaron, or email me. Thanks!

Bay Area Maker Faire Web Badge

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